We are always working hard to save as many animals so we can help place them in happy and safe homes. OLAR is a volunteer organization and we could not do what we do without a great community supporting us.  We know that our organization is appreciated by many but we do love having some great reviews from those in our community, our volunteers, adopters and our supporters. So please take the time to send us a review on our Facebook page.  It will help us out a great deal and help us to keep going!  Here are a few we have that we already have and appreciate greatly! Thank you in advance.

“I have so much respect and admiration for the folks that tirelessly day after day work so hard to save these babies. It’s heartbreaking to me and mentally draining that I have to pull away for a day or so to get my emotions in order. Their stories are heartbreaking and some are just beyond belief. Thanking you seems like too little for what you do day in and day out. ♡♡♡♡”

“This is one of the most wonderful organizations I’ve ever heard of, I appreciate the work they do to help helpless dogs and cats in need of TLC.”

“One love does wonderful work. They put their heart and soul into the well-being of these deserving animals. Every cent of the adoption fee is well worth the cause Love these amazing people!”

“We adopted our sweet kitty, Winke,  from One Love Animal Rescue at the Pooler PetSmart. We have since renamed him Bentley and he truly is the sweetest cat I’ve ever known! He gets along well with our Papillon dog (whom we also adopted 5 years ago), he loves to play but also loves to cuddle at night. I fully support and encourage others to adopt whenever possible becauce there are too many sweet animals in need of a good home! They all deserve it. Thank you One Love Animal Rescue for allowing us to adopt our sweet baby.”