OPS Community Spay/Neuter Application Qualification for Community Spay/NeuterYou do not have to be on public assistance to qualify. If you can afford to pay for your pet’s spay and neuter surgery, please do, so that we can provide the vouchers for others who cannot. OPS appointments have a $10 fee which covers the cost of pain medication for after the surgery. However, if you need help, we are here for you. Please know that if you forgo your appointment, we will not be able to reschedule and funds will be used to help another family. Personal InformationName* First Last Email* Phone*Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Information about your petPet's Name*Pet's Breed*Pet's Age*Type of Pet* Cat Dog Pet's Gender* Female Male Please share a picture of your pet (or both of you together)*Disclaimer: You agree to grant One Love Animal Rescue rights to use these images in any medium, including posting on the Internet and World Wide Web, for educational, promotional, advertising, or other purposes without limitation.Max. file size: 512 MB.Appointment InformationSurgery Drop Off 7:30am, Pick Up 3:30pm No food or water after midnight the night beforeWhat days of the week are you available?*Please select all days that apply Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Do you have transportation to drop off and pick up your pet from the clinic?* Yes No Do you have a cat carrier? Yes No PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.