Here are a few adorable updates on a few OLAR pups who were adopted earlier last year. Look at all those happy puppy and human faces!


June Bug joined our family this summer and we are so in love! This photo is from our Christmas card photo shoot -you can tell how happy June & my daughter are! Juliet (black dog) joined our family in October! We fostered her and fell in love. She has been a wonderful addition to our family!!


Juliet (black dog) joined our family in October! We fostered her and fell in love.. She has been a wonderful addition to our family! 


Sybill (formerly rosie, one of the Arwen’s babies) came to me early december. She’s been the greatest thing to happen to me all year, sweet, playful, sassy, and sharp as a whip. Travelled home with me for christmas and my family was just as smitten with her as my roommates are.


We adopted Chica several months ago. She’s the sweetest girl. Here she is in her Christmas blanket and chilling after a long day outside. 


Ruby (formerly Kanoa) joined our family on Christmas Eve! She is such a sweet girl!