Jax is doing great!!! He absolutely loves water and the outdoors. He is the biggest sweetheart and cuddle buddy when hes sleepy, and also the best running partner there can be when it comes to physical activity. He now has a feline companion named Meeko and they adore each other. I have attached some photos of him. Thank you, and we would love to bring him to you someday, he is extremely smart and knows certain things on command.
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On the Blog
- Masquegrrade Swept Us off Our Feet
- One Love Animal Rescue to Host a Pet Adoption Event and a Free Pet Vaccination Event as part of the ASPCA® & Subaru Loves Pets Grant Program
- You’re the Cat’s Meow
- One Love Animal Rescue is partnering with Best Friends Animal Society for National Adoption Weekend July 22-24
- National Nonprofit Petco Love Invests in One Love Animal Rescue