A few of our OLAR cats and dogs received the best New Years Gift! A new home with a happy loving family and hopefully lots of toys and fun adventures. Read more to find out about these lucky OLAR fosters, now adopted family members.Congratulations to Finn. He is happy with his new family and his new fur sister. His grandpa just adores him but he really is a daddy’s boy. This is his 3rd adoption and his new mommy promised me that this home is his final one! He had an extra long sleepover to make sure that he was picking the right home for himself! Finn has become protective of his family, especially his little sister Alaska who is also a One Love girl!

He waited a long time for the perfect home and now he finally has. What a wonderful 2017 this boy will have with his new family and fellow OLAR pup Alaska. Congratulations Finn! (Finn is on the left)


What a way to spend New Years Eve! Just in time our Pokey has a new home for 2017! He has 2 big sisters that better be prepared for his adorable energy!


Happy New Year to Ms Emily Dickinson! She has a new home of her own with a big fur sister to play with! Look at this fur ball!! She had multiple applications all falling through for different reasons! But her new daddy said to me “Happy Wife Happy Life! ” (she is the adorable furry cat on the left)


Our handsome boy Brooklyn NKA Cole has an awesome new home!
His daddy made him a toy made out of a fishing pole so we know he is having the best time!!
